Friday, July 27, 2007

I Love Music

Ok, so this week Prince's latest CD, Planet Earth, came out. It's been a weird week for me, so I wasn't able to get it until today. I have to admit that I am the only person in my house that is even remotely interested in this, but I'm ok with that. I am a huge Prince fan. I have been for most of my life. My mom(!) is responsible for that. When I was little, she was a disc jockey, way back when they were still called that. So, she had hundreds of albums and I just listened to whatever I wanted. She had everything from Rose Royce and Donna Summer to Marvin Gaye to Earth, Wind & Fire to Prince. We even had a couple of Platters albums (who?!), but that's because my dad sang with them off & on for much of my childhood. Of course, I also had all the Charlie Brown stories on record with the books that went with them. Listened to those for hours at a time. But every Saturday after the cartoons were over, we would turn on the stereo and just have music on. It would fill our apartment or house, wherever we were living at the time. We moved around quite a bit. But that's for another post.
Anyway, I grew up with music being huge in my life, all kinds of music. My taste as an adult is pretty varied. I listen to a lot of current music, from hip hop to pop to whatever category you want to put Prince in. I like classical music, I like Coldplay, I like Stevie Wonder. Sting is pretty cool. I have a 'thing' for 80's music, but Amy Winehouse right now is just killing me. Then I'll like songs that have my 13 year old daughter wondering if I'm too old to be listening to them. "The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars and "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White Ts are two good examples of that. Hey, good music is good music. I don't think you're ever too old to appreciate that.
Oh, and for the record: I need a couple of listens to fully appreciate Prince's new CD. But so far, the title song is just beautiful.

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